Friday, March 17, 2006

A cold, a friday nite, and nothing to do

Well, I'm not anticipating on writing a lot... but I just thought I'd post something since it's been a while since my last post.
The weeks are slipping by and by, which is good, but I do feel like I waste a lot of time... I should be learning how to speak Korean and I'm not at all... it seems like such a fun language; I can understand a bit and say some funny things in Korean, but not enough to actually say I'm immersing myself in the culture. I thought about this because tonite after work Andrea and I decided to eat at one of our favorite Korean "fast food" restaurants and ran into a man from Russia. The funny thing was that he didn't speak any english, and we don't speak Russian, obviously, so Andrea and this guy sat there and had a conversation in Korean - this was such a wierd thing! But funny... and cool. (And it really confused the Korean's working and eating at the place, listening to two foreigners speaking in their language... wish I could do that...)
Well, like I said, I wasn't going to write much.
I'm hoping that this little "blurb" is somewhat entertaining... I'll write more later.


At March 18, 2006 4:09 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel~ even the smallest glimpses of life on your side of the world are's good to know you're doing well, and hopefully I'll catch you online sometime soon!


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