Sunday, March 05, 2006

Just when you think things are going...

... something unexpecting comes along and makes you re-think what's important in your life at the moment...
Friday nite was supposed to be a fun nite to just hang out with friends - it still was, only, there were some conditions attached. When you're in a foreign country you make friends and you make them fast! That's the thing about being away from family, you're always looking for a "substitue" family to fill the current gap. Andrea and I have been fortunate to meet a variety of people all who feel like "family" in one way or another.
About three months ago, we met some foreigners in our Apartment building... Stephanie, her Korean boyfriend "Teddy", Mike, and Kevin.

In each of these people Andrea and I have found good friendships, and are greatful to have these people in our lives...
So, the unexpected... due to unfortunate circumstances, and unfortunate Korean attitudes one of our friends is likely to be leaving after such a short time (I won't go into details, but Andrea and I both feel upset about his situation, and want to be able to help... we'd also like to go to his school and show the boss a thing or two for being such a s&*@!)
Anyway, it makes me, and I think Andrea also, realize that there are so many things in life that are beyond our control, and regardless of our personal, and often selfish, desires situations like this one force you to evaluate your life, your character, your goals, your purpose, and your integrity... that's what has come of this for me...

There's a quote that sums up the friendships I have made and will continue to make so far in this Korean Journey:

Some people come into our lives and go quickly.
Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts...
and we are never, ever the same.

Sorry, I don't know who it's by, but just the same, it's nice to know that some people will always be in your life no matter how close or how far life may bring you... so here's to you Mike... take care, be safe, and make the most of what comes your way!


At March 16, 2006 8:58 a.m., Blogger Mr. P said...

yo rach! I guess I missed your getting older day, but happy b-day anyways. did you hear that orion and rebecca are expecting? cool eh.
well, too bad about your bud having to leave. sounds like you are having fun out there, enjoy the soju and don't forget to bring some back in case you can't find it here, though I am sure you can. there are lots of koreans in vangroovy.

At March 17, 2006 6:15 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

Thanks Dave.... as always, so nice to hear from you:)
How's school... are you almost finished?
Hope you're happy and well!
Take Care Friend.

At March 17, 2006 6:28 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

P.S. Dave... that's so great to hear about Rebecca and Orion! Today must be the day to hear about friends, far away, anticipating the beginning of something new and exciting!
I just found out today that my old RA is expecting too, so that's great! And a friend from home too... crazy crazy... kinda makes you feel like you're getting old doesn't it??? Well, maybe not since you're a guy and these sorts of things don't "worry" you as much as they do girls... hee hee.

At May 26, 2006 4:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for your kinds works. I have been trying to get back on my own two feet after the whole Korea thing.

For now I am doing alright. I miss you girls alot. We became really good friends in such a short time and then things went sour. However both you dn your sister were there for me during those rough times, and because of that I am forever in your debt.

I have been able to find an Apt in Auckland and I just got back from a trip to FIJI. You want Sun, Sand and Getting Sauces, well the Fijian Islands are where it's at.

Miss you load and I can't wait to meet up with you in some country down the road.

Love you both lots.


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