Monday, March 20, 2006

New Beauty

Today was the first day of spring...ah... *sigh of complete contentment*
The day dawned brilliant and sunny; warm, with a perfectly incredible breeze; my favourite kind of day.
I was walking home tonite listening to my iPod which was playing the beautiful compositions of Andre Gagnon (who is now one of my favourite artists), and though the sun had set, the breeze was still whispering through the trees warm and cool at the same time. I was suddenly overwhelmed by this great sense of peace... of inner contentment and rest which I haven't felt in a while. I don't know what it was, but it was beautiful... and my thoughts just started running.
I started thinking about the hope that the new season of spring brings - the birth of "green" - whether it be natural things or personal awakenings. Hope. Such a small word, with a huge meaning and concept... I wonder how many people actually feel hopeful on a regular basis? I realized tonite that I really don't allow myself to be very hopeful, which is actually quite sad.
I started "analyzing" the wind; how it tossed my scarf across my chest, how it blew my hair across my face, how it smelled with the scent of "growing" things, how it sighed heavily, yet with elegance... the way the music was moving, the way my heart was beating... everything all seemed to be making a coreography of sorts... something of beauty.
Yesterday I was chatting on the phone with a good friend and she was sharing her experiences with music and emotions and how she is often confused by the way they work together, because you feel like the music is able to evoke emotions and you feel such awe, or reverence... almost worshipful, whether it is Christian music or non-Christian music you are currently being touched by. I don't know if this makes any sense, but for me, music (especially certain kinds) has always been a very powerful thing for my emotions, and I think that when I am effected in a certain way by a certain song, or whatever, it changes me... or it makes me stop and pause; it stops my brain from always working and it lets my heart control my thougths, my body, completely... in a way it often shows me, in some inexplicable way, what love is. To me, this is a completely pure and innocent kind of beauty.

Tonite, it is this beauty that seems to make my soul feel at peace, it seems to give me a hope that tomorrow is just tomorrow, which becomes today, and then yesterday, and that time is okay... change is okay... and it seems to tell me that love is perfect - not always, but it's so worth the trials, analysis, challenges, doubts and other difficult times, just to experience these moments of pure, untainted, unselfish love... which is beauty.

Well, that was deep. Not usually my style, but I hope that this is something interesting to read and hopefully that some of you who read it feel hope, or just allow yourself to see or discover a new kind of beauty... whatever that may be for you.


At March 29, 2006 12:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your thoughts about love and hope and how they intertwine in a beautiful way. I hope you experience hope and love more often in the days to come.
Love Sean

PS - thanks for the soju ;)

At March 29, 2006 7:13 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

You were in my thoughts the entire time... I was so wishing to share that moment with you.
I had another moment like that (but interupted by the busy traffic) on the way to school - the cherry blossoms are starting to open and they are GORGEOUS - and I wished to share the beauty of the day with only you... forgetting about work, forgetting about all else and disappearing in your company.
I hope for that day soon. I love you.


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