Friday, March 24, 2006

Another week has come and gone

Well, I can't believe that it's already Friday nite again... and yes, I'm at home not planning on doing much. I still feel under the weather with the "tail ends" (if you can call it that) of my cold, blowing out very "colourful" snot every few seconds it seems. I may have damaged an ear drum trying to get all the "goodies" out. (I got quite sick in my first couple weeks here and ended up having a very nasty ear infection which never really healed properly, so my ears are already super sensitive... it's a pain!)
Well, I'm sure that's the first thing you want to hear about!!! Sorry.
Unfortunately, work is at the climax of being busy these days... it's the end of another session, so I'm busy with report cards, making tests and trying to think ahead into next month already. It seems whenever you think things are calming down and you let yourself relax and take a breath, only to find that the time you allowed yourself to breathe set you behind by about a week!!! Crazy... time, time, time. Why do we obsess so much about it? Odd, I think how something so uncertain chains us down and defines us.
I'm hoping that next month will be more of a positive one - especially when it comes to my kinders... They are soooooooo young (Canadian age about 3-4 yrs old... Koreans start counting your age from the time you are conceived and you automatically turn 1 as soon as you born... so the kids often look like little "grown ups" in a baby's body!)
This month has been really discouraging teaching kindergarten as I seem to have no control over the class and zero to very minimal ability to communicate with the kids and try to get them to pay attention to me, or even stay awake for that matter. When I try to play games with them, they go NUTS and try to leave the room, or they start climbing on tables and chairs... all sorts of chaos. It's such a challenge compared to my last group of kinders, who were capable of carrying on a coherent conversation with me, and they we only 7!

Aaahhhh... to reminisce. These were my "kids" in Orange class from October to February, and this picture was taken on my last day of classes with them *sniff sniff* from left to right in the back: James, Hillary, Me, Kate, and Lainie (my partner teacher for the class), and in the front row: Tommy, Clara (absolutely adorable kid), Wendy (another adorable kid, whose small enough to be stuffed in my suitcase home:)hee hee), and Tony (the worst kid ever, but by the end of February, he was actually starting to obey in class). Regardless of their bad behaviour, they wiggled their way into my heart and I only wish they we still my students.

Anyway, as I was saying, my kinders now are not the greatest and it just drains me to try and figure out creative ways to teach them english... especially when the materials you're given SUCK!

Well, enough for now... as I've said, it's been a busy week, and a long month, and now it's time for me to just relax... Happy Weekend Everyone!


At March 24, 2006 9:24 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

well now that's a happy looking bunch!

At March 25, 2006 5:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how changing kids can be tough (I do it myself every 10 weeks) and getting used to the new batch is hard enough without comparing them to the ones you miss...but there's something special in each one. Just allow time to find it! You're doing a great job, I'm sure! (PS did you get my "letter"?)

At March 25, 2006 9:56 p.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

Er, you give such good encouragement!
I agree there is something special about each kid, and I do see it in the kids, but it's so hard being patient and waiting to see improvement in their learning.
(Negative on the "letter"... but can't wait!!!)


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