Spontaneous Quotes
Well, well... another Sunday, another day off! What fun! I'm trying to get off my ass and maybe meet a friend in Nampo-dong (a great area for shopping and walking around) but it just seems that it's more convenient to stay grubby and in my jammy's all day! I'm sure you all have experienced this feeling AT LEAST once in your life! I also think that I spend too much time on the computer! Last nite... well I should say this morning, I stayed up until 2am downloading music! I never knew it could be so fun! (Gosh I'm a NERD!)Anyway, I probably won't go out anywhere today, but my day started in the BEST way possible: a long conversation with a friend from home who I haven't talked to in a long time! I think it's so great to have friends that are so interesting! My friend Sandra (hope it's ok that I use your name Sandra;) ) is the most bubbly person I have met in my entire life! She is always positive, even when life is tough. She has just finished her practicum for her Education Degree and got a great job for May and June! What a great blessing and opportunity! I'm so proud of her!
We spent some time catching up on each others lives and then some time reminiscing about our days together at school... we met in my first year of university and became pretty much instant friends, playing clarinet in band together for three years! We then became summer school buddies and would find random and refreshing adventures between classes to help us remember that it was summer! I love memories... some days it's just what you need... escape from reality and remember fun times in the past with friends that make you feel valuable... something that is not often felt in a twisted "Hagwan" in Korea where you work 6 days a week and do not even have the respect of most of your students! ARGH! (That's all I'm going to say about work... it's too redundant to keep talking about work on this blog of mine!)
What I really wanted to do was leave some fun quotes.... maybe some of you hate "cheesy lines" to make you feel better, but my mom sent Andrea and I these little decks of cards which, instead of suits and Jacks and Queens and Kings, they have uplifting little comments. Andrea and I have set them up on our table so everytime we eat we're "forced" to look at them and feel happy... which is always needed as a pick-me up in the midst of hectic schedules. So here are some from today and days past:
"What is a friend? Someone who holds a special place in your heart, puts a special smile on your lips, whispers a special word in your dreams."
(For all my adored friends at home who I miss every day that I am away!)"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you."
(For Sean, who makes me remember to hope in where my life could go! You are great honey! Also for my family who always show me love, even when I make mistakes and mess up.)
"'Hope' is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul; and sings the tunes without the words, and never stops at all." - Emily Dickinson
(A reminder of what hope is... there's not enough hope in the world it seems.)
"Blue skies with white clouds on summer days. Tulips and roses and violets and dandelions and daisies. Bluebirds and laughter and sunshine and Easter. See how He loves us!" - Alice Chapin
(A reminder of creation and of how we are spoiled by God! I hope that the weather is getting better back home and you can all enjoy it! I'm waiting to be healthy again to enjoy the great weather that is coming our way!)
Well, these are my random ramblings for the day. With no specific purpose for others' interests, but to just write... and continue my laziness of sitting around all day :)
Is that Sandra of Tim??? I am so glad to hear she is doing so well! Fun times! You have some really good quotes there, friend! Where'd you find all of 'em? Have a blessed week!
Yes, that's Sandra of Time :) She's such a delightful friend and knows how to make a person feel SUPER!
Those quotes came from these little "quote cards" our mom sent us for a Valentines gift! Hee hee! She's so cute!
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