Thursday, April 27, 2006

What it's like to miss and be missed

I just received an email from a good friend back home, informing me of the "end of year" things that undergrad students are accustomed to do before they "walk" at my "old" university.
Lately, I've had a REALLY hard time being away from some of my friends. I've realized how much I NEED people in my life to constantly be a reminder to me that my life IS, in fact, decent. (I know, it could be far worse, so I should quit complaining about my job and suck it up, right???)
This friend reminded me that I was missed, that I did make it into some good "back in the day" stories. (Docta D, that was for you if you check my blog ever!) It wasn't a long email, and I'm sure it wasn't intended to "pull" me out of my week-to-week dread of living the life I have here, but it did just that... put just enough sparks of hope in my heart to realize, that this stint I have here is just temporary and soon, OH SO SOON, I'll be back home with the ones that mean the world to me... change that, with the ones who are my world! Life is really nothing without relationships, and I am thankful that I have many, deep, healthy, and meaningful one's back home... something I'm craving here.
As it is almost the end of the week here for me... it will be Friday April 28th in 2 hours, and I always say that Friday is the end of my week (even though I work Saturdays), it feels safe and freeing to say that I have successfully - well, leave the successful bit out - I HAVE just completed my 7th month here! HALLELUJIA! Only 5 more months to go! I'm all bubbly inside right now just thinking about it! CAN'T WAIT!


At May 04, 2006 8:32 p.m., Blogger Bethany said...

when you get back here to the ol' west, what are you gonna do!?

At May 06, 2006 6:44 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

"All the day... CELEBRAGTE!!!!" That's all I'll wanna do;) Hee Hee!

P.S. I've been loving your blogs lately... sorry I haven't left comments, I've been sooooooo busy, but doing fun things that don't involve staying in my APT 24 hours a day:D More stories to follow soon tho!


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