Sunday, September 17, 2006

Things Change, things come and go...

Well, guess what!? Bet you never will... well, maybe you will if you've already received a mass email from me...
There have been a change in plans... last week Andrea injured herself in Hapkido (the martial art she has been studying for the last two years) and we're coming home earlier as she needs to have surgery :(
I've been really disappointed about not being able to go through with the travel plans for Cambodia and Thailand, but I just have to keep telling myself that it'll happen, just not now.
So our new arrival date is Octber 2nd at 11:10am at YVR... anyone feel like being on the welcoming committee? Hahaha!
Needless to say, I'm sad to be leaving Korea for many reasons, and scared to be coming home - it's easier to leave home than to come back it seems sometimes... but maybe I'll be surprised by what "home" has become while I've been away... I know so many people are very happy that I'm coming back early... I just gotta wait until I feel the same way.
It's wierd to think there's so much invovled in leaving after only being here one year... every weekend we're trying to see friends, do shopping for things that we will miss back home and for gifts, and figuring how much Korean booze we can sneak into our suitcases! (Hee hee! Don't worry, it's for sharing!)
The other day I remember that our parents have a hot tub and I have to say, it got me very excited about coming home! I bought a new bathing suit for our Thailand trip, and was bummed that I probably wouldn't be able to wear it for a long time, but then remembered the hot tub... wierd and small things make me happy.
Anyway, I'm off for a bit more shopping... the weather is TERRIBLE today. There's a category 2 hurricane somewhere over the island where Fukuwoka is (Japan) and here in Busan we are getting a little - well, it's more than a little - of the wind and rain... so shopping isn't too appealing, but when else am I going to do it?
Okay... see you all soon!


At September 17, 2006 11:19 a.m., Blogger Bethany said...

What kind of surgery does your sister need? That's poopie! But God must know what's going on, eh? I'm excited for your arrival! Just in time for Thanksgiving! No doubt your parents will be giving "extra" thanks this year!! You are such a blessing! Have an awesome flight and feel free to send me a line and we'll play!! Maybe Granville Is. or a walk downtown? Hugs!!

At September 18, 2006 8:26 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

She tore her ACL so she'll need "repairitive" (is that even a word???) on her knee... was telling me how they do it, and it sounds really neat... they make three small wholes around your knee and then they use all those tiny little cameras to operate. Since the ligament can't be repaired, they take some of her hamstring muscles and attach it to the front of her shin bone... she says it's a common surgery... recovery is a probably tough though. Yes, mom and dad are very excited, and I WANT TO PLAY! Granville Island and ANYWHERE ELSE!
As of today... only 14 days until home! YIPPEE!

At September 19, 2006 1:39 a.m., Blogger -annon. said...

Hey Rachel!! Sorry I haven't written any sooner. I have been putting off lots of things, and have been busy with others. *Add more excuses here if needed.*

It looks like you are having a wonderful time! Just keep counting the work days and they'll fly by.

Be sure to squeeze in all the little things you want to do before you leave, and don't let Andrea slow you down ;) Remember, she's been there before. And you never know when you'll be back. It sounds like you have the travel bug now, and there are so many other places to go next!

Things are going well here. I was just at your parents place for 3 hours - always a wonderful treat! Works slow, racing is ending. Fall is upon us in a full downpour. It was summer last weekend- now not so much. It's dark. And rainy.

Talk to you soon!

ps: you guys look maaaarvelous!(must be said is snooty britsh tone)

At September 19, 2006 3:48 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and then you remembered the hot tub and it's ALL good now =P 'wholes' and all =P hee hee hee
I'm sorry we can't go travelling this time 'round, Rachie, but we'll make another chance for it. We WILL see more of Asia!!! FIGHTING!
I'm so thankful for everything you've been helping me out with during this time...I know it hasn't been that easy for you, but I REALLY appreciate it. I don't know what I'd do without you. Really.
I wuv yeh!

At September 19, 2006 8:19 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

Richard... Howdy stranger!
I thought of a BILLION excuses to insert in your babble about not chatting sooner (you should feel guilty!) HA! Just joking! I've been happy to see lots of photos on your blog... you're probably enjoying taking lots of pics, espeically since they're of cars!
Can't say too much else... will be home VERY soon!
See you then!

Andrea you are my favorite sister even if I only have one and if I freak out at you and curse at you and call you terrible names... I know I never apologize verbally, but i try to do other things that you will like... always trying to work up to a verbal apology... i know that doesn't make any sense... maybe it will someday. I don't know. It's late and everyone's going to bed!
Let's buy something fun to do on the plane ride! Or maybe we can just o.d. on gravol so we can skip the jet lag and party as soon as we get home! Hahaha!

At September 20, 2006 5:53 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the skipping the jet lag and party part best =P ...heck...why can't we do both? I'm sure my crutches could offer some form of amusement ...mwah hahaha...

At September 21, 2006 7:47 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

do you think you can get through the metal detectors with those things?????

At September 21, 2006 7:32 p.m., Blogger -annon. said...

shouldn't be a problem - they're aluminum! but hiding them on your person should prove to be harder if you are really planning to smuggle them :)

you two are hilarious!

At September 23, 2006 8:15 p.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

You're pretty funny yourself!!!!!!
I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! (Better go to the loo.)

See you soon, Rich!

At November 25, 2006 1:30 a.m., Blogger -annon. said...


it's been over two months!

or is the planned renovations going to be a kickstart to a rejuvinated blogging habit?

At November 25, 2006 10:24 a.m., Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

I know I know... I'm just always so tired, or have other things I'd rather do, than sit at the computer!

I do want the renovations to happen - heck... my weather link is still telling me Busan weather! With the right modifications maybe blogging would be more fun??? Starbucks on sunday???


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