Monday, May 22, 2006

A month in the world of blogging

YIKES! I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last entry...and I really don't think this will be as "significant" an entry as maybe it should be.
The last month has been filled with all sorts of things... Our good friend "Teddy" (Korean name: Young Hyun) left for Canada on May 15th so Andrea and I wanted to do as much fun stuff with him as we could. These things invovled several day trips to places unheard of by most Koreans, which was kind of cool. We went to a ceramics festival in a town called Mungyeong - so many things to take in... ceramics, bmxing, random acupuncture, and Andrea and I even got to make our own ceramic vases which turned out quite nice :) We also went to this crazy motorshow - that's me attempting to kidnap Teddy and shove him in the trunk of a car! Hee Hee!
We visited a green tea field in the area of Boseong... but we went with a travel package and didn't have much time to explore the fields or try any of the green tea or "nokcha!"

We visited several temples in our neighbourhood on Buddah's birthday which was May 5th. A lot of the temples here are quite spectacular... the architecture of the buildings is so mysterious and beautiful... and seeing as it was Buddah's birthday, the temples were adorned with colourful lanterns and fresh boquets of flowers. It was nice to spend the whole day outside and interesting to watch all the people go about their religious rituals.
On to more materialistic things... I've managed to buy my very own digital camera this month, which is pretty exciting... so now I can take my own pics instead of "stealing" Andrea's all the time... although I still think she takes way better pics than I do! The only bad part about buying it here was that it doesn't have an English manual and I haven't had a lot of time to figure out what all the settings do... but I've been impressed so far at the quality of pictures if takes!
The weather is getting warmer and I am excited to try to do some shopping... as I'm very close to paying off one of my loans, I'm going to allow myself to "splurge" a bit and try to find some nice summer clothes... seeing as I forgot to pack very many! Oops! In spite of the warmth, it's been rather wierd weather... almost like home. There was a fairly large typhoon in Thailand recently and I really think it's affecting the weather here... the winds are CRAZY WILD these days and it's been rainy, foggy, and just unpredictable, which I've been told is not normal for this time of year.
The end of May is practically here and there's only 4 months left to go! It's so wierd, exciting, and scary - scary because I'm totally unsure of what awaits me at home and hope that I'll be able to find a job quickly so I can continue to pay off my enormous loans, both to the government and my parents ;)
My boyfriend, Sean is hoping/planning to come visit at the end of July for about three weeks, and then I'm planning to go to Thailand and Cambodia with Andrea. I'm really excited!
Well, I know this may seem "meager" but hopefully the pics will be interesting enough at least for a couple days until I can maybe think and write about more specific things!