Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Category 5 - literally and metaphorically, at least in my mind

Well, I can't believe that I've let more than a month pass since my last blog... work has been busy and I've been addicted to TV and sleep! However, our intensive classes (extra classes while students are on summer vacation, so technically, they don't really get a summer vacation if they go to academies during vacation) are now finished, and Andrea and I recently finished watching "Six Feet Under" - an HBO drama series of 5 seasons. I tell you, we were on a marathon... there were a couple of 5am-ers... now tell me that's not addiction?
Now with all this extra time I'm getting the proper amount of sleep required and trying to do some reading - you know, the kind that's good for your soul, or whatever you want to call it.
Looking ahead and realizing that I only have 26 working days left, and realizing how much garbage has gone on this year, I feel apalled at how much of my attitude seems to have gone "sour"... wishing I could start over. However, if I started over, I would definately find a better job! Well, I guess my "fresh start" will come when I get home... there's something refreshing, and terrifying, about thinking of "starting" life. It's not like I had a lot going on before I came to Korea, so when I go back there isn't really anything waiting for me... no job, no specific hobbies... but I guess now's the time to think about what I really want to do with my life (easier said than done, since I'm very capable of changing my mind based on current moods... SHEESH!) and then just do it! Hey, anyone have suggestions... or know of any interesting jobs that pay well??? If you know me, even a little bit, I need hints... the time is coming up fast, and as much as I'd like to wait a LONG time before finding a job, financially I can't :( Curse to my loan payments! ARGH!
Well, there's a Category 5 hurricane occuring somewhere over the Pacific Ocean near Japan and we're definately feeling some windy and rainy weather from it (no worries, though, it will probably die down before it gets any closer to Japan). Check out the cool link to this weather site. You can even watch the hurricane move! Pretty cool! I love this kind of weather... it puts me in such a peaceful and relaxed mood; wierd how wild weather can make me feel the exact opposite.


Sorry no pics today... just felt like writing. But good news, Andrea's photo site is now updated with A LOT of current stuff so check it out. Click on the link on the side bar that says "Andi's photos." Enjoy.