Friday, March 24, 2006

Another week has come and gone

Well, I can't believe that it's already Friday nite again... and yes, I'm at home not planning on doing much. I still feel under the weather with the "tail ends" (if you can call it that) of my cold, blowing out very "colourful" snot every few seconds it seems. I may have damaged an ear drum trying to get all the "goodies" out. (I got quite sick in my first couple weeks here and ended up having a very nasty ear infection which never really healed properly, so my ears are already super sensitive... it's a pain!)
Well, I'm sure that's the first thing you want to hear about!!! Sorry.
Unfortunately, work is at the climax of being busy these days... it's the end of another session, so I'm busy with report cards, making tests and trying to think ahead into next month already. It seems whenever you think things are calming down and you let yourself relax and take a breath, only to find that the time you allowed yourself to breathe set you behind by about a week!!! Crazy... time, time, time. Why do we obsess so much about it? Odd, I think how something so uncertain chains us down and defines us.
I'm hoping that next month will be more of a positive one - especially when it comes to my kinders... They are soooooooo young (Canadian age about 3-4 yrs old... Koreans start counting your age from the time you are conceived and you automatically turn 1 as soon as you born... so the kids often look like little "grown ups" in a baby's body!)
This month has been really discouraging teaching kindergarten as I seem to have no control over the class and zero to very minimal ability to communicate with the kids and try to get them to pay attention to me, or even stay awake for that matter. When I try to play games with them, they go NUTS and try to leave the room, or they start climbing on tables and chairs... all sorts of chaos. It's such a challenge compared to my last group of kinders, who were capable of carrying on a coherent conversation with me, and they we only 7!

Aaahhhh... to reminisce. These were my "kids" in Orange class from October to February, and this picture was taken on my last day of classes with them *sniff sniff* from left to right in the back: James, Hillary, Me, Kate, and Lainie (my partner teacher for the class), and in the front row: Tommy, Clara (absolutely adorable kid), Wendy (another adorable kid, whose small enough to be stuffed in my suitcase home:)hee hee), and Tony (the worst kid ever, but by the end of February, he was actually starting to obey in class). Regardless of their bad behaviour, they wiggled their way into my heart and I only wish they we still my students.

Anyway, as I was saying, my kinders now are not the greatest and it just drains me to try and figure out creative ways to teach them english... especially when the materials you're given SUCK!

Well, enough for now... as I've said, it's been a busy week, and a long month, and now it's time for me to just relax... Happy Weekend Everyone!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Do you ever have those days...

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to work against you? And you know you could change your attitude, but it just seems easier to be angry than to try to be positive?... me too...

Monday, March 20, 2006

New Beauty

Today was the first day of spring...ah... *sigh of complete contentment*
The day dawned brilliant and sunny; warm, with a perfectly incredible breeze; my favourite kind of day.
I was walking home tonite listening to my iPod which was playing the beautiful compositions of Andre Gagnon (who is now one of my favourite artists), and though the sun had set, the breeze was still whispering through the trees warm and cool at the same time. I was suddenly overwhelmed by this great sense of peace... of inner contentment and rest which I haven't felt in a while. I don't know what it was, but it was beautiful... and my thoughts just started running.
I started thinking about the hope that the new season of spring brings - the birth of "green" - whether it be natural things or personal awakenings. Hope. Such a small word, with a huge meaning and concept... I wonder how many people actually feel hopeful on a regular basis? I realized tonite that I really don't allow myself to be very hopeful, which is actually quite sad.
I started "analyzing" the wind; how it tossed my scarf across my chest, how it blew my hair across my face, how it smelled with the scent of "growing" things, how it sighed heavily, yet with elegance... the way the music was moving, the way my heart was beating... everything all seemed to be making a coreography of sorts... something of beauty.
Yesterday I was chatting on the phone with a good friend and she was sharing her experiences with music and emotions and how she is often confused by the way they work together, because you feel like the music is able to evoke emotions and you feel such awe, or reverence... almost worshipful, whether it is Christian music or non-Christian music you are currently being touched by. I don't know if this makes any sense, but for me, music (especially certain kinds) has always been a very powerful thing for my emotions, and I think that when I am effected in a certain way by a certain song, or whatever, it changes me... or it makes me stop and pause; it stops my brain from always working and it lets my heart control my thougths, my body, completely... in a way it often shows me, in some inexplicable way, what love is. To me, this is a completely pure and innocent kind of beauty.

Tonite, it is this beauty that seems to make my soul feel at peace, it seems to give me a hope that tomorrow is just tomorrow, which becomes today, and then yesterday, and that time is okay... change is okay... and it seems to tell me that love is perfect - not always, but it's so worth the trials, analysis, challenges, doubts and other difficult times, just to experience these moments of pure, untainted, unselfish love... which is beauty.

Well, that was deep. Not usually my style, but I hope that this is something interesting to read and hopefully that some of you who read it feel hope, or just allow yourself to see or discover a new kind of beauty... whatever that may be for you.

Friday, March 17, 2006

A cold, a friday nite, and nothing to do

Well, I'm not anticipating on writing a lot... but I just thought I'd post something since it's been a while since my last post.
The weeks are slipping by and by, which is good, but I do feel like I waste a lot of time... I should be learning how to speak Korean and I'm not at all... it seems like such a fun language; I can understand a bit and say some funny things in Korean, but not enough to actually say I'm immersing myself in the culture. I thought about this because tonite after work Andrea and I decided to eat at one of our favorite Korean "fast food" restaurants and ran into a man from Russia. The funny thing was that he didn't speak any english, and we don't speak Russian, obviously, so Andrea and this guy sat there and had a conversation in Korean - this was such a wierd thing! But funny... and cool. (And it really confused the Korean's working and eating at the place, listening to two foreigners speaking in their language... wish I could do that...)
Well, like I said, I wasn't going to write much.
I'm hoping that this little "blurb" is somewhat entertaining... I'll write more later.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Just when you think things are going...

... something unexpecting comes along and makes you re-think what's important in your life at the moment...
Friday nite was supposed to be a fun nite to just hang out with friends - it still was, only, there were some conditions attached. When you're in a foreign country you make friends and you make them fast! That's the thing about being away from family, you're always looking for a "substitue" family to fill the current gap. Andrea and I have been fortunate to meet a variety of people all who feel like "family" in one way or another.
About three months ago, we met some foreigners in our Apartment building... Stephanie, her Korean boyfriend "Teddy", Mike, and Kevin.

In each of these people Andrea and I have found good friendships, and are greatful to have these people in our lives...
So, the unexpected... due to unfortunate circumstances, and unfortunate Korean attitudes one of our friends is likely to be leaving after such a short time (I won't go into details, but Andrea and I both feel upset about his situation, and want to be able to help... we'd also like to go to his school and show the boss a thing or two for being such a s&*@!)
Anyway, it makes me, and I think Andrea also, realize that there are so many things in life that are beyond our control, and regardless of our personal, and often selfish, desires situations like this one force you to evaluate your life, your character, your goals, your purpose, and your integrity... that's what has come of this for me...

There's a quote that sums up the friendships I have made and will continue to make so far in this Korean Journey:

Some people come into our lives and go quickly.
Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts...
and we are never, ever the same.

Sorry, I don't know who it's by, but just the same, it's nice to know that some people will always be in your life no matter how close or how far life may bring you... so here's to you Mike... take care, be safe, and make the most of what comes your way!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

This one is a little more my style

Your results:
You are Uhura

An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Deanna Troi
Will Riker
Beverly Crusher
Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Geordi LaForge
Mr. Scott
Mr. Sulu
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
You are a good communicator with a
pleasant soft-spoken voice.
Also a talented singer.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test

Man these are addicting late at nite!!!!!

I'm a Super Hero... or trying to be...

Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

How do you use these?

The birthday festivities have come and gone (as always, I was trying to "get noticed" in some way on this particular evening)... and I sincerely appreciate all of you who emailed, sent packages/cards, etc. It was meaningful and made me feel close to home.
I had a super duper, knee-slapping, yee-hawing party with lots of friends here in Korea! Although I wished friends from home could have been here, I made the most of it with those that were here and with my friend "Soju!" (It's delish!!!! I have to admit, that in the past I may have come across as having very "conservative" views on alcohol, I think my growing affair with "Soju" is changing my mind about the consumption of alcohol! *But don't tell my parents... hee hee*)
I suppose I could be reflective on my year past as a 23 year old, but why bother.... lots of accomplishments, lots of failures, some regrets, some moments I wish would last forever... yet here I am, 24 and in another country, on another continent, and trying to make the most of the decisions I've made. At times it's tricky, at others, very easy to see how life works.
I'm starting my 6th month here and it's crazy to realize that I'm pretty much half way through my contract, and half way back to Canada! It's exciting for sure!
I'm hopefully going to be working quite a bit more overtime from this month on, which is good because of the money I'll be able to save, but bad, because it makes the working environment more stressful... just got to keep positive!
Well, on that note... I've got to do some dishes! (Try to keep positive about that one???!!!?!!?!!)